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Monday, November 8, 2010

What's Your Sign?

3/21 – 4/19
You have so many creative impulses, you’re not sure where to begin. Arrange them in order of fun and then get busy making the world a more beautiful place for people like you to live in.
4/20 – 5/20
Your peers might seem to be a little obsessed with the way things used to be, but you, for one, recognize that change is unavoidable, even positive. Later in the day, you will make a remarkable connection with someone unexpected.
5/21 – 6/21
You’re too busy to have time for boredom. Your friends might complain that there’s nothing to do, but that’s only because they’re not hooked in like you are. Drag them along if you have to.
6/22 – 7/22
Even It’s time to trim the fat from your art, from your relationships and from your life in general. Whatever you don’t need hanging around needs to go as soon as you can show it the door.
7/23 – 8/22
Both sides of your personality are out on display right now, and one person in particular likes them both equally (even if you don’t). You won’t have to worry about confusing anybody.
8/23 – 9/22
Today is the day to express your feelings for that special someone. You have been patient now is the time to reach the rewards you have been waiting for.
9/23 – 10/22
You know how to get a group inspired and motivated, whether it’s for something serious or something silly. Use that creativity and commanding charm to organize something big, bold and fun.
10/23 – 11/21
If you’re trying to exert your powerful will on some new romantic situation, try to let loose and open up. Your expectations could be confounded or they could be exceeded, but they’re never quite exactly met.
11/22 – 12/21
You are in a great mood. Everything is going your way. You are finally ready to be in a committed relationship and your ready to open up to that special person.
12/22 – 1/19
You can’t take the strain of dealing with idiots right now, so you should either hole up or just hang with the people you know won’t drive you insane. You can have a great time mocking the normal folks.
1/20 – 2/18
If you have been meaning to spill your guts but haven’t worked up the nerve, now is the time to let it all out. Your words will be dead-on and get the best possible reception, so open up.
2/19 – 3/20
You have some definite opinions about the people you live with. If you experience unsavory emotions, try to find common ground. If you can’t achieve some sort of balance, you may want to consider ending a persistently toxic relationship.
The Paw Print is the school newspaper of the Willow Canyon High School and is published as a cooperative effort of the newspaper class. Editorial content of the Paw Print expresses the view of the paper and not necessarily the administration, faculty or school board of the Dysart Unified School District. Bylined Editorial content expresses the opinion of the writer and not necessarily the staff or school administration. Letters to the editor are welcomed and must be signed for publication. Please submit letters and communications to Ms. Wargowsky.

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